Such generators generated very high voltage and low current. The charge was generated using either of two mechanisms: electrostatic induction or the triboelectric effect. They operated on electrostatic principles, by using moving electrically charged belts, plates, and disks that carried charge to a high potential electrode. The armature can be on either the rotor or the stator, depending on the design, with the field coil or magnet on the other part.īefore the connection between magnetism and electricity was discovered, electrostatic generators were invented. In a generator, alternator, or dynamo, the armature windings generate the electric current, which provides power to an external circuit.
A generator using permanent magnets (PMs) is sometimes called a magneto, or a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSM). Electrically-excited generators include an excitation system to produce the field flux. The magnetic field of the dynamo or alternator can be provided by either wire windings called field coils or permanent magnets. Field winding or field (permanent) magnets: The magnetic field-producing component of an electrical machine.One of these parts generates a magnetic field, the other has a wire winding in which the changing field induces an electric current: Stator: The stationary part of an electrical machine, which surrounds the rotor.Rotor: The rotating part of an electrical machine.Mechanically a generator consists of a rotating part and a stationary part: Alternators generate alternating current.
Dynamos generate pulsing direct current through the use of a commutator.
Early Ganz Generator in Zwevegem, West Flanders, BelgiumĮlectromagnetic generators fall into one of two broad categories, dynamos and alternators.